Shipping Terms and Conditions


We ship internationally and nationwide using professional pet delivery agencies. 

The puppies being shipped most have received their first vaccination 

we will send you a package that includes your puppy’s ckc/ AKC registration form, shot records, microchip tag and information
6 page information handout on caring for Bulldog

We recommend that you take your puppy to your veterinarian within 4 days
For a complete medical checkup
From the puppy’s first vaccination she will receive her second vaccination 21 days later
Vaccination records will tell your veterinarian the date of the first vaccination, as well as the type and amount of vaccine administered
Rest assured that shipping your puppy directly by airmail is safe and routine
We have never had a negative experience with the health of our puppies

Actual air travel time is minimal and puppies are well cared for during handling and ground transportation
Whether on the ground or in the air, there is always an environment to adapt to
Airline staff take great care of puppies, and airlines have very strict policies and procedures regarding the handling, shipping, and transportation of pets
We coordinate all airline requirements and make all necessary travel reservations according to your wishes
You will receive the complete shipping itinerary a few days before shipping
Puppies are shipped “prepaid”
This means we will pay the shipping costs
We pay for air travel